Welcome to On-The-Go by MurphyLeisure.com. This company is dedicated to providing valuable reviews of vacation locations, leisure activities and restaurants reviews to help your vacation planning with a food twist- we are [mostly] gluten and dairy free.
Let me explain, I am gluten intolerant. Celiac– no, I am not formally diagnosed, but let’s just say that if I doubted my benefits from going gluten-free, my last accidental exposure made it abundantly clear that I should avoid it. And I gave my poor digestion genes to my kiddos. So, that explains three of us. Shawn- he is a bit different. He embarked on this lifestyle because he was hungry and I cook gluten-free. But after a time, he admits he feels better when he avoids it, too. So he isn’t strict, but avoids it when he can. So me, I use “Paleo” as a guideline, eat organic and grass-fed when I can, try to minimize preservatives, artificial colors, and processed foods. But I’m not strict because let’s face it- as a full-time working mom with busy school kids and life on the go, sometimes you have to compromise.
So here we are- a mess of food allergies, and we love to move. Restaurants, vacations, etc. and as anyone on this lifestyle knows, that is hard to do while traveling. So this is our chance to blend our love of adventures and traveling with food allergies. So, grab a seat and come along with us.
Thanks and Enjoy!
Laura and Shawn